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The Finnish Di­a­betes As­so­ci­a­tion(avau­tuu uu­teen ikku­naan, si­ir­ryt toiseen palveluun) and its mem­ber as­so­ci­a­tions es­tab­lished the Di­a­betes Re­search Foun­da­tion in 1976. Our ob­jec­tive is to con­tribute to the in­ter­na­tion­ally high-​level Finnish di­a­betes re­search con­cen­trat­ing on the pre­ven­tion of the spread of di­a­betes, the in­crease of di­a­betes care ef­fec­tive­ness and the well being of per­sons with di­a­betes.

Plan of ac­tion

We prac­tice ver­sa­tile fund rais­ing as well as prof­itable and se­cur­ing in­vest­ment ac­tiv­ity in order to achieve our ob­jec­tive. Within the bound­aries of our wealth we an­nu­ally award grants to Finnish di­a­betes re­search ven­tures.

In order to carry out its plan of ac­tion the foun­da­tion pub­li­cizes re­sults of the di­a­betes re­search, and in­for­ma­tion of its own ac­tiv­ity. The foun­da­tion can take part in such in­for­ma­tion ac­tiv­ity within The Finnish Di­a­betes As­so­ci­a­tion, which im­proves the pub­lic knowl­edge of the risk fac­tors and pre­ven­tion meth­ods of di­a­betes, di­a­betes care and liv­ing with di­a­betes.

The foun­da­tion val­ues pro­mo­tion of pub­lic health, which is con­nected to pre­ven­tion and self-​care of di­a­betes, for ex­am­ple pre­ven­tion of obe­sity, im­prove­ment of heart con­di­tion and pro­mo­tion of ex­er­cise.

Our course of ac­tion is ad­min­is­tra­tively flex­i­ble, and we func­tion in co­op­er­a­tion with the Finnish Di­a­betes As­so­ci­a­tion.