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Principles of partitioning

  1. The foundations goal is to support scientific research connected to diabetes, and publicizing of the research results.
  2. The foundation carries out its purpose by partitioning grants for scientific research striving for development of diabetes care, reduction and prevention of the spread and the related diseases and social disadvantages caused by it.
  3. The foundation supports high-level diabetes research starting from the basics, but also other research connected to diabetes. The primary evaluation point is the scientific level of the research. When drawing the line between two equally matched applications it is also possible to note the equal support of type 1 and 2 diabetes research, the support of care in practice, the regional and institutional spread as well as the size of the sought for amount.
  4. The evaluation is based on points given independently by the five members of the scientific committee. The members of the committee are challengeable when evaluating ventures in which they themselves are participants. The scientific committee can also use other experts if necessary.
  5. The benefactors’ wishes are respected within the boundaries of the foundations general principles regarding partitioning of grants.
  6. The foundations administration decides about partitioning of the grants on the basis of the scientific committees proposal.
  7. The period of grant application ends annually on January 31st.
  8. Before receiving the grant the recipient commits himself to deliver a report regarding the use of the grant, and the research results obtained with its help, to the Diabetes Research Foundations secretary no later than two years after the year the grant is awarded. At the same time the recipient promises to mention the Diabetes Research Foundations support in scientific publications, and supplies the foundation with prints of the research that led to publication.
  9. The use of the grant can be changed with the consent of the foundations working committee.